Be careful! Those very inconspicuous door and window hardware accessories are actually very important!
The sliding brace is generally used on the external casement window and the external upper suspension window. The high support window sash is a multi link device to realize the opening and positioning. The sliding brace is divided into the sliding brace for the external casement window and the sliding brace for the external upper suspension window.
(1) Code and mark. Name Code: PCH for sliding brace of external casement window; Sch for sliding brace of external casement window; main parameter code: main parameter includes bearing mass and chute length, which are respectively expressed as the maximum bearing mass allowed to be used and the actual length of chute; marking example: sliding brace for external casement window with chute length of 300 mm and bearing mass of 30 kg, which is marked as pch30-300.
(2) Scope of application. It is applicable to the aluminum alloy external hung window (when the maximum limit distance of window sash opening is 300 mm, the height of the sash shall be less than 1200 mm), and the external casement window (the width of the sash shall be less than 750 mm). In actual use, it can be comprehensively selected according to the bearing quality, sliding brace length, window type specification and other conditions of the simulation test window type in the product inspection report.